
Friday, March 25, 2011

The Princess Peach Dress

Well guys, I'm out. :( But o-well. This was my entry:

I loved this week's challenge!  Let's be honest; I totally need a challenge like this every week.  Maybe then I'd actually get through my slightly ridiculous stash of fabric.  Maybe.  Please tell me that some of you buy fabric just because it's pretty too?  Quite a bit of what I buy fabric wise is because it's pretty and not necessarily because I have a plan for it... YET.  The "yet" part is important; I always come up with something eventually!!

For this week's "Spring Cleaning" challenge I give you:

Can you tell a six year old named the dress?  Haha!  Super Mario is well loved by the kid's in my life.  Isn't my niece so cute?!  At one point I told her to say "I'm Princess Peach."  Instead she said, "I'm Princess Mario!"  Then cracked up.  She's so funny. :) 

I've had both of these fabrics for a while.  The pink one I got for like two bucks at Savers!!  Thrift stores can be awesome for getting really nice/pretty fabrics for cheap!!  The bridal lace/chiffon I got with a 50% off coupon from Joann's... mostly because I had a 50% off coupon. ;)  And the bunny button's were just some cute buttons I had picked up a while ago.  Together I think they make a pretty cute Easter dress!  (How perfect are the bunny buttons for an Easter dress?!)

All in all, I LOVE the end result of this little dress (that I designed)!  (I think my niece likes it too.) ;)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hooray for Spring!! Green Ruffle Skirt and Flower Shirt

Well guys, I made it to round three (and to Seattle!)  I'm off to my sister's to get next week's project finished.  (I started it at home, but wasn't quite able to get it done before I needed to leave.  So, I will be finishing it tonight.)  Wish me luck!  The competition is getting harder and harder!!

With this week's "green" theme, I wanted to focus on something that could be worn all through the spring and summer season, instead of something just for St. Patty's Day.

I planned and half designed three separate outfits before I decided on the direction I wanted to go in this week.  The end result is super fun!!  So girly, but not so dressy that you can't have a good time on the playground.

The shirt is purchased, then embellished with flowers made from jersey and little green (and the occasional yellow) beads.  The skirt, however is made (and designed by me) from scratch.  It originally was planned to be just layers of the green jersey, but as I was making it, it needed a little something "more".  That "more" came in the form of a layer of chiffon and two layers of a pretty damask cotton.  Plus a rolled rosette as an accent.

Would you like to see some close ups of the details?  Ok!  Here ya go!!

Isn't my little model so cute? :)  I asked her if she was doing the "Pledge of Allegiance" in the picture just above.  She said, "Yes."  I love little kids!! :)

Tangents aside, I have to say that I love how this week's project turned out!  I want to make a big(ger) on for me!


Monday, March 14, 2011

Hello all! Welcome to another week of Tute {Yourself} Tuesday!!

Have your guys checked out the entries over at One Month to Win It yet?  If not head over there, check out the awesome entries and VOTE!! :)  (But don't let your oohing and ahhing over the entries stop you from linking up!)

Also, I am traveling today, so there will not be a tutorial or featured post from last week until next week. :)

So, let's get this party started!! :)

'Tis voting time again!!!

There are some CUTE entries this week!!! Please head over and VOTE!!! :)

Friday, March 11, 2011


Well, my stress is over for this week!  wait.  Scratch that.  My WAITING stress is over for the week.

I made it through to the next round!!  WOOHOOO!

Now I just have to get the rest of my projects done, take pictures, edit them, pack, get my house clean before I leave and then get to the airport on time (6:40 is a VERY early flight for people that don't usually get up until after Eme didn't wake up till 10:30!!)  Oh, and we might buy a car somewhere in the middle of all that.

So wish me luck on everything else that is/will cause stress... But at least the waiting is over!! :)  I'm excited to be continuing! :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Trashed Toddler Play Table to Beautiful Toddler Bed and Learning Center

Did ya guess this was mine?!  I love it so much!  I can hardly wait till Eme is old enough to use it as a bed. :)  But, it's already a great play table for him... he doesn't get that that the chalk is for drawing, not eating though!  We're working on that! haha!

This first week's challenge was so much fun!  I went straight to the DI and was SUPER lucky to find a majorly trashed toddler play table!  It sparked a very fun (and soon to be needed) project!  So, without further ado; I give you: The (Trashed) Toddler Play Table to Beautiful Toddler Bed By Night and Learning Center By Day!

To begin this make over, I spray painted the table and little stool a pretty light blue.  I also removed the (very ugly) rope drawer pulls and plugged the holes with wood filler.  After it had dried, I (ok my hubby) attached the pretty new drawer handles I had picked out.  (Thanks babe!)

To make this work as a bed, I had to make a mattress.  I did this by stuffing two body pillows into a mattress form that I made using thrifted sheets.  Velcro makes for easy removal and cleaning of the mattress form.  I also used thrifted sheets to make the bedding set and a thrifted pillow to make the "E" accent pillow. The star is corduroy that I had in my stash.

To make the learning center, I painted one side of the table top with chalkboard paint and glued a map of The United States on the other.  (I plan to homeschool, so I figure this will be a fun, easy way to get started with geography early.  Plus it makes for a nice "train" background, don't you think??) :) 

I love this new little bed/playtable!!  And I love that it saves a TON of space!!  The fact that the mattress can also be a soft base for playing isn't a bad thing either!  No cracked heads = a very good thing! The possibilities for play on this table are endless!  Legos? check.  Trains? Check.  Painting? why not?  Really, it's just the perfect space and size for my little monkey!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tute {Yourself} Tuesday # 10 FEATURES!!

I know my postings lately have been L.A.M.E.  I've been pretty consumed with my projects for One Month To Win It.  Especially since I am (unexpectedly) heading to Seattle next Tuesday morning (REALLY) early.  That means that I need to get all THREE of the rest of my projects done this week.  Say it with me: YIKES.  Plus I came down with a cold yesterday, so I have Z.E.R.O. energy and generally feel yucky.  It's awesome.  I actually started this post yesterday morning then ran out of energy.

I'm sorry I haven't had any tutorials for you of late.  Hopefully I'll be able to amend that soon.  Also, even though I had planned to pick testers and send the patterns out last week, it didn't happen and then the power surge happened and I can't even access them to send.  Boo.

Hopefully, I'll be getting my replacement cord/surge protector in the next day or two and it will fix the problem... if not... I'm not gonna think about that if not right now, mmK?

For now, please enjoy some awesome highlights from last week's party!

First up, from I'm a Mom Not a Professional, Rolo Cookies.  Umm.  YUM!  These look so good!  She also has a Peppermint Patty variation.  I can't wait to try these!!

Next, from Bugaboo, Mini Mr and Me, we have a very cool Glowing Globe Nightlight.  She even shows how to WIRE it.  WOW.  Plus it just looks REALLY cool. :)

Our Seven Dwarfs shared her super sweet Crocheted Baby Gift.  I love the colors she chose! Isn't the ripple pattern pretty?

Rhapsody of Cacophony linked up her Home Made Creme Eggs.  I love Creme Eggs don't you?!  She made her's the size of cupcakes!  I'll take one please!!

Fowl Single File shared her Sheep (Cake) and CUPCAKES!!  These are freaking AWESOME!  So, SO cute!!!

Apparently, I'm all about the sweets this week!  Three out of five are treats!  haha!

Thanks everyone for linking up!!

Stay tuned tomorrow for the reveal of which OMTWI project was mine!!! :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Tute {Yourself} Tuesday # 11

Hello all! Welcome to another week of Tute {Yourself} Tuesday!!

Have your guys checked out the entries over at One Month to Win It yet?  If not head over there, check out the awesome entries and VOTE!! :)  (But don't let your oohing and ahhing over the entries stop you from linking up!

So, let's get this party started!! :)

Time to VOTE!!! :)

Ok guys! It's votin' day!!!  Head on over to One Month To Win It and vote for your favorite!! :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Oh man... I'm so nervous!

I got my entry in for this week's One Month to Win It in.  Voting opens tomorrow.  I CAN'T TAKE THE SUSPENSE!!!  Lol.  Going a little crazy around here... maybe I'll go start on next week's project to stay occupied... or maybe I'll just watch Food Network.  maybe both.  Happy Sunday. :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Houston... We have a problem.

My laptop won't charge.  We're worried that the power outage last night fried my cord.  Not.  Happy.

On a much happier note though, The Idea Room is featuring my Li'l Bunny Tutorial and Pattern today. :)

Check it out here.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Features for Tute {Yourself} Tuesday # 9 and # 8

So, I'm obviously a little late with these.  Life happens and blogging sometimes gets put on the back burner.  I'm sure you all understand and have prolly been in the same boat.  Also, you might have noticed that I didn't get a tutorial up yesterday.  I'm pretty busy with my One Month To Win It project(s), so, no tute this week... and possibly not next week too.  We'll see.

Anyway.  Here are a few of my favorite links from the past two weeks.

Tute {Yourself} Tuesday # 9 Features:

Sew a Straight line linked up this super cute Harmonica Jacket!  It's her own pattern and she is sharing it!!  Head on over to get the free pattern!! :)

Food, Folks and Fun share a delicious sounding Healthier Orange Chicken recipe.  I will definitely be trying this in the next week or two.

Just Sew Sassy shared a Ruffled Zipper Pouch tutorial.  It's made with SCRAPS!!  I can never have enough ideas for using up scraps.  Can you??

Life's Better with Chocolate (isn't it??) shared the pretty bedroom art she made with Vintage Ceiling Tiles.  I love the look. :)

And, umm... Isn't her bedding just to die for?!

The Crafty CPA linked up her Party Light Garland Tutorial.  She has a printable for you so that you can recreate the light bulb.  Seriously a cute take on garland.

Tute {Yourself} Tuesday # 8 Features:

In the Loop made this hysterical Pirate Hat.  My husband has actually asked me to make him something similar.  I laughed when I saw her rendition. :)

Inside Brucrew Life shared her method for making super yummy and PRETTY Cake Filled Cookies.

Iron Violet Designs made this colorful Kid's Apron.  I just adore her fabric (woohoo for remnants!!)  :)

Falafel and the Bee shared her tutorial for a Messenger Bag in Miniature.  The best part about this tute is that you can make it a BIG messenger bag if you want.

And finally, Erika with a K linked her Antique Desk Makeover.  I {heart} that she chose to redo it in red.

Thanks everyone for linking up! :)