
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Pirates on the Poop Deck

Hahahaha!  I'm kinda loving my title, cause check out these pants!

Get it?!  Pirates on the POOP deck!  Cause I totally put a skull and crossbones on the bum of the pants.  Hahahaha!!  Yee-aahh.. I crack my self up!  It's possible I'm a bit of a freak.

Aaaannnyyyway.  I made these as a LONG over due baby gift for a good friend who's family (well really their three year) is OBSESSED with pirates.  So, (since I've been loving appliques so much) I decided to make (well, really re-make, cause the gift was so long over due that the first one I made was too small.  Yeah.  I'm an awesome friend like that.) As I was saying, I decided to make them a pirate centric gift.  It seemed only right. 

So I made the pants and the patch and was planning on getting a plain long sleeve onesie, but then found the beauty that is this:

A pirate onesie?!  Yes please!  (Thanks Old Navy!) It was the perfect finishing touch to this outfit.  I hope the Pirate Papa, Mama, Brother and Baby enjoy these as much as I enjoyed dreaming and making them up!

I'm linkin' up!  Check out my side bar to see the many different Linky Parties!


  1. I am your newest follower, and guess what?! It is linky party day on my blog! Please come enter the giveaway and link up to my Strut Your Stuff Party! I love your blog!
    -Dana, Saturday Mornings

  2. I love it! I have a one eyed dog who goes Pirate for Halloween.

  3. These are sooo stinkin cute! I love pirate everything as do my boys.. although they may have outgrown the whole skull on the toosh thing! I still LOVE it! Hope you share with my Pink Hippo Party @

  4. Quite a clever title. It totally caught my attention. Oh yes, and I LOVE anything that people make for boys.

  5. very cute! I love the skull and cross bones on the bum. SO cute. Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

  6. lol... cute. I've made something similar that said, "wipe my booty"... :-P

  7. The pirate appliques are adorable.

  8. Oh man, I LOVE these!!

    I'm totally making them!

    I'm featuring them on my blog today.

  9. So cute! I love the Pirates!!


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