
Monday, February 28, 2011

I just had the best night. (And Tute {Yourself} Tuesday #10)

Tonight was unexpectedly awesome.  It started as a simple suggestion (by me) that we use the gift card to The Pizza Factory that my husband had received from his work as a Christmas gift as an alternative to making dinner.  He was game; and we invited his sister and her son (that is 2 months younger then Eme) to join us.  We had a ball.  Yummy food, two hilarious toddlers, and I didn't have to make dinner?!!  Woohoo!  (Not that I don't love to cook, but it's nice to not have to do the dishes.)

After we ate we took the boys into Fat Cats (which is a "fun center/arcade" type place- they even have bowling and bumper cars) to look at the lights, but then decided to let them ride the little merry-go-round.  Oh. My. Gosh.  When my SIL got my nephew out of his carseat he started yelling "OOOH!  WOW! OOH!  WOW!"  Over and over.  It was hysterical.  We were dying laughing. 

Then because we also had a gift card to Fat Cats we decided to stay a little longer and play a few games with the kids... Ok, and I might have played a game of DDR. (Dance Dance Revolution for those of you scratching your heads as to what DDR is.)  ;)  Yeah, I know.  Total teenager game; but have you tried it?!  So. Much. Fun.  I'm fairly decent at it (but my hubby STILL beats me every time.  Don't tell him I told you.  haha!) but tonight the game KICKED my trash.  Know why?  Oh, prolly because I haven't done a real cardio work out since BEFORE I was pregnant with Eme.  (For those of you counting, that's almost 2 years now.)  Oops.  I should get on that.  Time to break out my old Playstation and start DDRing it up everyday again.  (What?  Yes I have DDR at my house.  You know you want one too.) 

For those of you that want a good work out, but don't like to work out, try DDR.  I PROMISE that you will get a REALLY good cardio work out, but it won't feel like working out, so you'll do it longer and harder then you normally would.  Anyway... moving away from my passionate tangent about DDR, we really had a good time tonight. :)

BUT!  It wasn't over for me.  We went home and got Eme in bed and then I got a text from a good friend wanting to go get cupcakes.  Cupcakes you say?!  um... yes, please.  So said friend picks me (and another friend) up and we head on our merry way, but not to get cupcakes... The cupcake place was already closed, so we got yummy hot chocolate instead and had a LOVELY talk.

It was a totally unexpected, FUN evening that was SO very needed.  I'm tired and my lungs are full of junk (from the 5 minutes of cardio DDR that I did. Asthma.  Blech.) but, I am feeling so much better then I have in several weeks. 

I posted last week that I was really feeling the winter blahs and was in serious need of a pick me up.  Well, tonight was exactly what I needed. 

I'm sorry posts have been a little slow these last few weeks.  And I STILL need to pick out testers. (Tomorrow, I promise.)  Thank you for your kind and encouraging words (and for not abandoning me as a lost cause.)  Sorry that this post has been a bit of a ramble, but, it is nice to be feeling a lot more like myself. :)

Now that I've talked your ears off, would you be so kind as to share a project/story/recipe/whatever that you've been working on?  I can't wait to see it! :)


  1. sounds like a great night. i too had a really fabulous day, nothing extraordinary just fun and satisfying doing some normal things

  2. Sounds like a good time! I can't imagine just going to go & hang out with a friend. That sounds amazing!

    Thanks for hosting!

  3. Sounds like a fun night! We don't have DDR, but I was thinking about grabbing a dance game for the Kinect. The whole family loves playing Kinect games. Thanks for sharing and for hosting this party every week.

  4. That sounds so great! Sometimes we just need a good laugh and time with friends and family. I'm glad you are feeling better! Thanks for hosting the linky party.

  5. Thanks for the opportunity. I am a new follower and linked up to your party.


Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you did. :)