
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Is anyone else feeling the "winter doldrums?"

Cause I am.  :/ 

Anyone know of a good pick me up?


  1. Tulips.

    Go out and buy your self a big bunch of tulips and put it in a vase with a ribbon in the first room of your house.

    I was feeling the winter blahs and was told to run out and buy some tulips and I swear it worked. It was just the right infusion of spring to set me on a creative tear.

  2. I'm not suffering from the winter doldrums, but suffering in other ways. Crochet is always a good therapy, and Sara over at Tangled Happy has a good fix today to try:
    Or if you're feeling hungry, why not celebrate Mardi Gras with some King Cake, courtesy of
    As for me, I'm going to participate in one of my favorite therapy's today, I'm going shopping for yarn, ribbon and buttons!
    Hope you feel happier soon!

  3. trip to the bahamas - that's where I want to go!

  4. I'm with ya, sister. More snow here in Chicago. I am so over it.

    Going for a walk, painting, and organizing get me thru it.

    A steaming hot cup of coffee followed with the loudest music I can stand.

    Off to do that now.

  5. Oh yeah, I'm feeling it big time. Sunshine picks me up the fastest and easiest.

    And watermelon.

    And, believe it or not, I painted my fingernails today. I never do that.

    I actually put makeup on today... that's a rarity these days as well.

    Doing something with a friend. This is one I have yet to do: get out of the house and visit/hang out with a friend. *sigh*

  6. I WISH I could pick up and head to the bahamas!! That would be awesome. I actually just got back from hanging with a friend Bree, I had reeeeally needed to get out. :)

    I have to say, the tulip idea is awesome though! I LOVE tulips! Like, love love them! I miss Seattle for their incredible variety of tulips in the spring. Did you know that Seattle produces something like 4 times the amount of tulips as Holland does? Kinda crazy huh? I had always thought that Holland was the land of tulips and had TONS. lol. I'm full of useless info. :)

  7. I know how your feeling!!! 2 Weeks ago we had already +7°C and now it's again -24°C :(((
    Want to go to bahamas too ;)
    I try to meet with friends and drink lots of tee and hot chocolate...

    Stay warm!

  8. Service. Works every time. Now, how much you have to do to KEEP OUT of the doledrums... that's up to you. :) You could:
    help your kids draw pictures for far-away relatives... write a letter to someone you haven't spoken to in a while... make a goodie and take it to a neighbor/friend/sickie... write a love note to your hubby... make secret notes for your kids and plan on putting them in their lunch boxes this week... get creative and give your creation away... if you know someone who is feeling out of sorts, take them a meal... serve yourself (take a hot bath, drink some cocoa, take time out to read a good book/write in your journal/call a friend)... the possibilities are endless. :)
    Although I DO like the tulip idea as well. :)


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