
Monday, February 14, 2011

Sweet Mary Janes!

Well, guys, I finished them!! 

And I LOVE them.  There is something so satisfying about creating something completely from the pattern up.

I'm almost ready for testers.  I want to make them one more time and I need to test the size on an actual foot.

Which I'll be doing tomorrow thanks to a friend with a new little girl. :)  (Thanks Nitasha!!)

As soon as I've done that I'll be in need of you!  Several of you have already volunteered. :)

I can't wait 'til it's ready to test! :)  Soon, soon!!  In the mean time, enjoy the pictures!


  1. They are beautiful! Congrats! I have never created my own pattern like this! Let me know if you want me to test, I have a 6 month old I can test them on!

  2. They are soooooooooooooooooooo dang adorable.. Lil Pink Mary Jane's!!!
    I am crossing my fingers for a chance to tat.. oops I mean to crochet those lil darlings.

  3. They are so sweet! You've done a fantastic job!

  4. These are adorable!! I'll have to keep my eye out because my dd would love a pair for each of her dollies, and that should be easy enough by switching out needles and yarn weights. :)

  5. So sweet and your pictures are really great too!

  6. OH my goodness!! These are SO precious. I love them!

  7. cute!! I love the colors you've used, too!

  8. Those are so cute! I've been looking for shoes for my little girl (7 mo) on etsy for a while, and these are super cute!

  9. Those are so cute! They will look adorable on some cute little baby feet. :)

    Have a great weekend!


    Visiting from Fibers on Friday

  10. Oh my gosh these are so adorable they make me hurt :). You should seriously sell these, I would buy them for my neice!

  11. So cute! The picture looks amazing too.

  12. So so cute! I totally need the pattern (actually a much longer pattern, as my kids have the worlds LONGEST feet when they are born!) Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

  13. Very cute! The picture looks great!

  14. these are too cute! And in green or brown I would totally put them on my mini man!! So cute! I can't wait for the pattern:)


Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you did. :)