
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tute {Yourself} Tuesday Features #5

** Looking for the Linky Party??  Scroll down!**

You guys amaze me!  It's so much fun seeing what everyone links up each week.  I want you all to know that I really and truly do visit each one of you, however, because my internet/computer is S.L.O.W.  I have not been able to comment on everyone's links.  :(  I want to say thank you so much for linking up! 

There were so many awesome projects this week!  Here are a few of my favs...

I la-la-la-love the crocheted rosettes on this wreath!!!  I'm so glad Jill from Our Seven Dwarfs included the pattern so that I can make a few.

Boats and water make me happy.  Do they make you happy too?  I miss them.  Now that I live in U-tar I don't see much of either. :(  These cute nautical themed cupcakes by Jackie at I Design remind me of my loves. :)

I love to read.  So, this wreath made by Sheila at Note Songs just made me squeal!  It is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Umm.  Guys?  Pam at Backwoods Cottage  made built an art studio.  Yes, you read that right, and entire art studio.  W.O.W.  I'm speechless.  It's incredible.

And finally, remember my friend Natalie from Corduroy Dreams whose wreath inspired my Rosette Garland Tutorial last week?  Well, I was so happy to see that she linked it up this week so that I could feature her, cause, like I said last week, I love it!! :)

Congrats guys!  Go ahead and grab a featured button from my side bar. :)


  1. Thanks for featuring me, Maleah! You are, among many other things, a great blogger friend!

  2. Thank you so much for featuring my Rosette Wreath! You are awesome! Can't wait to see what you crochet next!

    jill of

  3. Hi Meleah! Oh, I'm just thrilled you would feature my wreath! I'm so glad you liked it. Man, I've got my little scars! :)
    Thank you so much for hosting this party and your blog is the cutest thing.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Love all those featured projects-they are wonderful!!

    Thanks for clue-ing me in on this fun linky party! I just posted my project! I won't be a stranger, don't worry! :)


  5. I'm soooo glad I found your blog!! I'm a new follower and have your button on my blog roll. :)



Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you did. :)