
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Working on another pattern... aka... Testers??

I'ma need a pattern tester or two for this one.  I'm not asking for testers yet, just letting you know to be on the look out for when I do ask for them.  Which will be in the next day or two. :)

Wanna peek at what I'm making?


Now.  I realize that my color pallet is getting boooorrriiiinnnggggg.  But, I'm developing a pattern folks, so I'm all about using what I have on hand.

Want a peek at the actual shoe? 

I've run into a small snag that's making me want to tear out my hair, but, I'll figure out the prob soon.  I know it's just an error in numbers but it's still making me crazy.  Grr.  Arg.  (reference anyone??)

So, anyway, stay tuned for my call!!! :)


  1. Please put me on your testers list! I would love to do it. I also just commented on you FB post. I've got a ton of supplies and I'm just looking for the distraction from what I should be doing!

  2. New follower from the hop, SUPER adorable shoes! Follow me back at :)

  3. Actually lol I found you from another blog link, and THAT blog was on the hop..sorry about that! Glad I found you anyway!

  4. .. I would love to try ... test a pattern. :o)

  5. I will gladly test for you! Emily @

  6. I'd love to try. I'm a new crocheter and I'm hooked.

  7. i need to show my sister your website! she is due with twins soon and i know she would love these for the girl twin!

    i just gave you an award on my blog check it out!

  8. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put me on the tester list and I'd LOVE for you to test my new headband pattern. I have 2 verisons (1) 3" wide x 14"round, (2) 1.5" wide x 12" round.
    I think it looks like a little ring of hearts.
    I am going to call it "Ring of Hearts" or "Heart Halo" Unless I am the only one who sees the hearts.
    I just want to see If I can improve the pattern directions

    Let me Know !

    oh yeah I saw these cute mary janes at somewaht simple

  9. Anytime you need testers I would love to help.


Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you did. :)