
Friday, December 31, 2010

Shh!! A Custom Hat and Baby Gift Plan

I have a good Friend that has ordered 2 custom hats for her little miracle baby due in February. I just had to show you guys how PRETTY this yarn is! This hat is not quite finished; it is getting a big pom on top. :)

The yarn is a silk/bamboo blend and is so. soft.  My friend didn't want the typical, stocking net hat they normally put on newborns right after they are born.  So, she asked me to make a nice soft one and this is the result.  She has also asked for a monkey hat to fend off the CRAZY cold weather here.  (My animal hats are SUPER warm.) 

I am LOVING the colors and I hope she does too.  Really these pictures hardly to the yarn justice.  Seriously.  Now, Heidi, if you are reading this, STOP NOW.  If you keep going, you are going to spoil your surprise for next week. 

This hat has inspired me.  I plan to make her a SUPER soft blanket out of this fabric (and no, this is not a mistake, I know I showed you this pic yesterday, but I got more of the brown snuggly fabric and am making the main part of the blanket with it.  Just ignore the star fabric and buttons.)

I am going to get some silky fabric to match the turquoise/sapphire of the hat to edge it with.  Then I'm going to make a take-me-home outfit to match.  I CAN. NOT. WAIT. to show you guys the finished project!  It's gonna be SO pretty.  Of course, she is having a boy though, so I guess I should call the outfit handsome. ;) 

I'm linking this project up to the fabulous linky parties listed on my side bar! :)


  1. Precious! The yarn looks beautiful! Your friend will be so happy!

    Thanks for linking up to Fibers on Friday! Happy New Year!

  2. I love this idea! I can't wait to see how it turns out!

    I want to give you The stylish Blogger Award!

  3. I love the color combo too. SO sweet and will be perfect for your friend. Thanks for linking it up for my Pity Party!

  4. That yarn is just gorgeous!!! So shiny and smooth. LOVE IT!!! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

  5. Beautiful yarn...bamboo and silk...sounds delightful.


Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you did. :)