
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Piece by Little {Tiny!} Piece

Please raise your hand if you love the tininess of newborn things.  I know I do!! 

I love making them.

I love looking at them.

I love taking pictures of them.

Ok.  Maybe I love taking pictures of them a little too much.

Or maybe a lot too much.  But at least you like little {tiny!} newborn things too right?  So, you are perfectly happy to look at an obscene amount of pictures of baby booties. ;) 

As I was saying though, this gift is coming together piece by little {tiny!} piece and I am LOVING it.

I used the Simply Cute Baby Booties pattern that are free at Mon Petit Violon to make the bottoms of the booties, but then I changed/revised the top portion to fit the vision in my head. 

I went to Joann's yesterday to (try) and get some fabric to match the beautiful color of the yarn that I'm working with.   Wouldn't you know that the ONLY fabric in the entire store that really matched was dupioni silk.  Yeah.  ((sigh))  The last time I checked silk was *not* the most appropriate of fabric choices for babies. ((double sigh))  So, I did the best I could and this is what I came up with:

As you can see the blues are a little lighter then the yarn.  But, I think they will work together when all is said and done.  I can hardly wait to get working on the outfit and blanket!  (Maybe tonight after Eme is down for the night...but then again, maybe not...I'm kinda excited to see Iron Chef and The Worst Cook in America.  I heart Food Network.  So, it might not be til tomorrow's morning nap that I get started.  We'll see. :) )
Oh so sweet and {tiny}!  I can't believe that *my* baby will be one a week from today. (sob)

I'm linking these lovely booties to the parties listed on my side bar. :)


  1. adorable! I'm with you on that--especially little baby shoes. They are SO precious, especially when they are completely impractical! ;-)

  2. Shoes are ALWAYS best when impractical!! :)

  3. Oh my goodness, these are so cute! Thanks for linking up to Sister Sister Sunday!

  4. I just did a post about how making baby things makes me squeal! Those are adorable booties.
    I'm visiting from Until Wednesday link party.

  5. So sweet. Like you, I love baby stuff - it is just so darn cute and tiny.

  6. I look at people who make things like this and I am amazed. Great job! Thanks for linking up!

  7. Love those tiny booties, very cute! My *baby* turned two yesterday. Sniffle.

  8. So sweet! Perfect! Thanks for showing us at Fibers on Friday!

  9. Eeeek!!!! Just adorable. I love it. And again, that yarn is just gorgeous! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!


Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you did. :)