
Thursday, January 13, 2011

An exciting milestone for me!!!

**I'm giving away one of my Koala Bear Hats!!  Click here to enter!**

So, I don't know if you guys noticed (I sure DID!!!!), this week, I passed the 100 follower mark!!  It's super exciting (to me anyway!!!)  So, THANK YOU to all of you that have followed me!  It means a TON to me.  Stay tuned... I'ma do a celebratory giveaway soon!

Another cool thing that happened last week, I received THREE blogger awards!  Wow!  So, I need to say a big thanks to: The ladies over at The Paisley Cupcake, Andi from Potential Treasures and Jennifer Dawn from The Life of Jennifer Dawn

I received  two Stylish Blogger Awards and one Trendy Blogger Award!  It was so sweet of all you guys to think of li'l ol' me.  :)

So, to accept the Stylish Blogger Award I need to tell you seven things about myself...

1. I LOVE to cook.  But, I rarely, if ever, use a recipe.  You could say that I'm a "dump" cook.  Meaning that I just dump stuff in the pot without measuring.  So, if I ever share a recipe on here, be ready for a lot of "ishes" on the ends of my measurements.  Also, I rarely leave a recipe as I find it.
2.  I love to read anything and everything I can get my hands on.  Well, anything and everything CLEAN anyway.
3.  I love cats.
4.  I'm a BIG advocate of natural child birth and extended breastfeeding.  (Does that mean I think you should only have your babies at home, no.  I've had both of my boys in a hospital.  With Eme it really ended up being a good thing too.  (He had some breathing problems around 24 hrs.)  But, natural is the safest way to go for both you and your babe, most of the time.  There are instances where it is decidedly NOT the safest, in which case do what needs to be done. ;) )
5.  I don't come from a crafty home.  Meaning, that I didn't grow up sewing or crocheting and that my mom doesn't crochet and only sews when absolutely necessary.   My crafty ways are still a surprise to her.  haha!  (I do get my cooking skills from her though.)  I am 96.7% self taught. (I was taught  to sew a straight line at 14 and how to crochet a single crochet stitch at 24; the rest I figured out on my own.) 
6.  I HATE bananas.  BLECH.
7.  I have reoccurring nightmares about my teeth falling out.

Those were seven very random facts.

Now it's my turn to nominate 15 of you to be stylish bloggers as well!

My 15 picks, in random order are:

Southern Scraps (She's got a great pumpkin chocolate chip muffin recipe up currently.)
Embellishing Life (AWESOME Valentine's ideas)
Pretty Hand Girl (You have GOT to see her dandelion mural.  W.O.W.  There's a tute too!!)
The Charm of Home (Her "My Heart on a String" has the creative wheels a-churning in my head!)
Craftily Ever After (She has a PRETTY and FREEEEEE Valentine's Printable available.)
Smile Monsters (Super pretty burlap wreath tute up now!)
Decorating Addict (Also has a fun wreath tute up now.  Can you tell I'm loving wreaths right now?)
The Domestic Sugar Bake Shop (Ever wanted to make fondant flowers for a cake?  She's got a tute!)
Loving Every Second (Like chocolate and peanut butter?  She's got a cupcake recipe for that.)
Girl in Air (I love EVERYTHING she does.  Every. Thing. Alphabet Wall?  Yes please.  Fake Wainscoting? Awesome!  Go there.  You'll thank me.)
Show and Tell (Uh, guys, she made a table.  By herself.  No help.)
Fresh Cut Flours (Wow, can she decorate cookies!!!!)
Just a Geek Named Jess (Comic Book Ballet Flats?! Awesome.)
Our Seven Dwarfs (She has a tute on making bath time finger paints!)
Sprik Space (She's got a FREE Land of Nod inspired printable in just about ANY color you could want.)

For the Trendy Blogger I get to nominate 10 of you! 


My picks for Trendy Bloggers are:

Spunky Junky (You can redo a plate?!  She'll show you how!)
A Scrap of Time (She has the CUTEST free penguin printable.)
Not Just a House Wife (Recently discovered, recently beloved.  She's got some fun Valentine's stuff.)
Racks and Mooby (She's got a REALLY quick way of making cute Valentine's art.)
See Kate Sew (She's A-MAZE-ZING.  Seriously.  She recently redid some shoes...let's just say that we may have a copy cat amongst us. ;) )
Joseph's Grainery (She's got some breakfast cupcakes that I NEED to try.)
Mummy Crafts (She makes lovely quilts.)
We are the Joneses (I need to keep up with her Valentine's Projects!)
Bursts of Creativity (She does some BEAUTIFUL art journaling!)
House Revivals (She has a REALLY pretty wreath up currently too. I think I need to make a wreath!)

Congrats guys!  You are all awesome.  Thanks for making my day more enjoyable.

Here's the code for the Trendy Blogger button:
<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="TrendyBlogAward" src=""/></a></center>


  1. Congratulations! I'm a long, long way from having 100 followers. But I know it's exciting to be able to have that many :) You deserve the awards. You have a fabulous blog!

  2. Thanks so much for picking us as one of your Top 15! We are new to your blog and love it. If you ever give out your pattern for your adorable crochet boots, I would love it! Thanks!

  3. ahhhhh! thank you so much for your kind words and for nominating Spunky Junky.


  4. Thanks so much for selecting Decorating Addiction as a "Stylish Blogger." I'm honored and you made my day!

  5. BTW - I too am a HUGE advocate for natural childbirth. I'm due in a couple of months with my second child. I had a natural birth with my daughter 10 years ago using the Bradley Method (have you heard of it) and my husband and I are using it again for this baby. I have actually considered teaching one of their classes b/c I feel so strongly about it!

  6. Thank you for the love!

    Jo @ SmileMonsters

  7. Thank you so much for picking A Scrap of Time as one of your Trendy Bloggers! That is so sweet of you!

  8. Awwww, thank you for the award! So sweet of you! I'm honored! :)

  9. Thank you so much for the nice words, and for nominating House Revivals! I feel honored :)


Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you did. :)