
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Featured On Tute {Yourself} Tuesday!!

** Looking for the Linky party?  Scroll down!**

I'm so sorry it took me so long to get around and see everybody!  You guys had some great projects last week, it was hard to pick my favorites! 

Sanditerese over at I'm a Yarner made this incredible wreath!  I LOVE it.  I want to make one, and guess what?  She posted a tutorial, so I can!!  WOOT!!

Malia (I love her name ;)) at Yesterday on Tuesday linked up the super cute organizers!  I think my fav is the sweater covered one.  She's got a tute posted on these babies too.

Jaime at I'm a Mom not a Professional added the sweet bow tie.  My. Son. NEEDS. One!  On my to make list. (This seems to be the week of tutorials!  Which is only fitting; it IS Tute {Yourself }Tuesday!)

Jessica at Running With Scissors made this IN-FREAKING-CREDIBLE Bullseye Tutorial.  All I can say is W.O.W.  I think her inclusion of wire legs is just genius.

 The Mama at Mama Says Sew made this beautiful scarf.  I love the white on white.  So classic and clean.

Congrats guys!!  You can grab your featured button from my side bar. :)   

Don't forget to link up to this week's Tute {Yourself} Tuesday!!  Happy Linky Day! :)


  1. Thanks so much for stopping by blog today! I linked up to your party and added your button to my linkys:)

  2. Thank you so much for the feature! I have your button, and I think I'll be making that wreath as well.

  3. Thanks for the feature. I love all of the stuff you do!

  4. Thanks for the love! It made my day. Your name is pretty cool too ( -:

  5. Cool! Thank you so much for including my name into the mix :) I'm Glad that you liked my blog! I LOVE yours!


Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you did. :)