
Monday, January 17, 2011

Tute {Yourself} Tuesday #4

**I'm giving away one of my Koala Bear Hats!!  Click here to enter!**

It's that time again! It's Tute {Yourself} Tuesday!!!

Umm. So, this is embarrassing, this is the second week in a row that I haven't gotten around to seeing everyone from last week's party. YET. Don't worry I'm on it. I will be posting a featured post later on today, I promise!!

For now, let's get this party started!! I can't wait to see what you all have up your sleeves this week.

The Rules:

1. Link directly to the particular post you are sharing not your main blog site.

2. Link up anything that you have made and are ready to proudly toot your horn about! (Please no shop links.)

3. Please add my Tute {Yourself} Tuesday Button (it's in my side bar) to your post or link to my site somewhere on your site.

4. If you feel so inclined, follow me. :)

Now get linking!!! :)


  1. Thanks for hosting the party!! Don't worry about looking at all the links from last week, life gets busy sometimes!!!

  2. Yes, Thanks for hosting this party and inviting me! I just added my Eiffel Tower Dresser. So glad you liked it. Now I'm off to look at everyone else's entries.


Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you did. :)