
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Valentine's "Wreath" Tutorial

**Looking for the Linky Party?  Scroll down, it's next! :)** 
**I'm giving away one of my Koala Bear Hats!!  Click here to enter!**

Welcome to this week's tutorial!  In thinking about what to share with you all this week, I realized that I have NO Valentine's Day decorations.  None.  Zip.  Zero.  Nada. 

To fix this little over site, I decided that it was high time I made my self a wreath.  However, I had this fun little frame that I had spray painted red a few weeks ago, inspiration struck and I went with it (though the hubster totally doesn't get it.  O-well.)

I give you the:


You will need:

One old picture frame spray painted red.  It can be as large as you would like.  I used a small one, but if you wanted to do a large one, I think it would look very pretty.  Just adjust the size of your heart to fit the frame. :)
Some pink fabric scraps large enough to cut out your hearts.
a sewing needle
matching thread
eyelet lace four times the length that you want your wreath to hang
satin ribbon

Now, I don't have any pictures of me spray painting the frame, but, I'm thinking that you guys can handle that part with out my help. ;)  Have it sprayed and ready to go.

 (Like my band aid?  I *highly* recommend only using a rotary cutter as it is intended to be used.  *Don't* try carving an eraser with one.  You might get cut.  Just sayin'.)

Ta-Dah!  My new Valentine's Day "Wreath" hack.  What do you think, fun no?

I'll be linking this "wreath" up to the linky's on the right. :)


  1. ...just THE perfect idea!!!
    Many thanks, and Love

  2. I really like it! Very cute!

    and don't feel bad, I once dropped a rotary cutter on my big toe...a stitch and a tetanus shot later...well you get the idea and I still have the scar as proof...I'm a lot more careful now...

  3. OUCH!! At least yours was an accidental oops, whereas mine was a stupid oops. lol. Lesson learned. :)

  4. SO cute! I happen to have a band aid on the same finger...crafting is pain, lol.

  5. How elegant and simple (in a good way!) is that?!

  6. How cute! I love that you worked the frame in there.

  7. ...I made one and linked your fantastic post on my blog, is that OK?
    Love Gabi

  8. This is really cute! I am a new follower I found you on Paisley Passions. Come check out my craft blog!

  9. I love this! And not because I just finished making something remarkably similar... but because it is absolutely ADORABLE! My Word! Great job!
    You should come link this up to my weekly Thursday through Sunday Making It With Allie Link Party! I think it would make a Fabulous addition!

  10. So creative!! I love that it could be changed out for different occasions!!

  11. Very very cute. Thanks for showing how to do it. Linda

  12. This is really really sweet!! I love the heart and the ribbon and lace - it's so cute!

  13. That is so cool!!!! I love how it turned out. Thanks for the tutorial.


  14. Great idea. Love the project! Thanks for linking up to Quiltstory!

  15. This is different and so cute! Love it.

  16. Just dropping by to let you know that I linked to this post in a round up today from the Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. :) You can see the feature here

    If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here!

  17. SO absolutely darling!!! I am going to feature this on Thrilling Thursday tomorrow. Feel free to drop by and grab an "I Thrilled" featured button off my side-bar :) Thanks for linking up to my party, hope to see you again soon!

    Lori @ Paisley Passions

  18. So extremely fun! I'd like to make a few of these for my girl's room...


Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you did. :)