
Friday, March 25, 2011

The Princess Peach Dress

Well guys, I'm out. :( But o-well. This was my entry:

I loved this week's challenge!  Let's be honest; I totally need a challenge like this every week.  Maybe then I'd actually get through my slightly ridiculous stash of fabric.  Maybe.  Please tell me that some of you buy fabric just because it's pretty too?  Quite a bit of what I buy fabric wise is because it's pretty and not necessarily because I have a plan for it... YET.  The "yet" part is important; I always come up with something eventually!!

For this week's "Spring Cleaning" challenge I give you:

Can you tell a six year old named the dress?  Haha!  Super Mario is well loved by the kid's in my life.  Isn't my niece so cute?!  At one point I told her to say "I'm Princess Peach."  Instead she said, "I'm Princess Mario!"  Then cracked up.  She's so funny. :) 

I've had both of these fabrics for a while.  The pink one I got for like two bucks at Savers!!  Thrift stores can be awesome for getting really nice/pretty fabrics for cheap!!  The bridal lace/chiffon I got with a 50% off coupon from Joann's... mostly because I had a 50% off coupon. ;)  And the bunny button's were just some cute buttons I had picked up a while ago.  Together I think they make a pretty cute Easter dress!  (How perfect are the bunny buttons for an Easter dress?!)

All in all, I LOVE the end result of this little dress (that I designed)!  (I think my niece likes it too.) ;)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hooray for Spring!! Green Ruffle Skirt and Flower Shirt

Well guys, I made it to round three (and to Seattle!)  I'm off to my sister's to get next week's project finished.  (I started it at home, but wasn't quite able to get it done before I needed to leave.  So, I will be finishing it tonight.)  Wish me luck!  The competition is getting harder and harder!!

With this week's "green" theme, I wanted to focus on something that could be worn all through the spring and summer season, instead of something just for St. Patty's Day.

I planned and half designed three separate outfits before I decided on the direction I wanted to go in this week.  The end result is super fun!!  So girly, but not so dressy that you can't have a good time on the playground.

The shirt is purchased, then embellished with flowers made from jersey and little green (and the occasional yellow) beads.  The skirt, however is made (and designed by me) from scratch.  It originally was planned to be just layers of the green jersey, but as I was making it, it needed a little something "more".  That "more" came in the form of a layer of chiffon and two layers of a pretty damask cotton.  Plus a rolled rosette as an accent.

Would you like to see some close ups of the details?  Ok!  Here ya go!!

Isn't my little model so cute? :)  I asked her if she was doing the "Pledge of Allegiance" in the picture just above.  She said, "Yes."  I love little kids!! :)

Tangents aside, I have to say that I love how this week's project turned out!  I want to make a big(ger) on for me!


Monday, March 14, 2011

Hello all! Welcome to another week of Tute {Yourself} Tuesday!!

Have your guys checked out the entries over at One Month to Win It yet?  If not head over there, check out the awesome entries and VOTE!! :)  (But don't let your oohing and ahhing over the entries stop you from linking up!)

Also, I am traveling today, so there will not be a tutorial or featured post from last week until next week. :)

So, let's get this party started!! :)

'Tis voting time again!!!

There are some CUTE entries this week!!! Please head over and VOTE!!! :)

Friday, March 11, 2011


Well, my stress is over for this week!  wait.  Scratch that.  My WAITING stress is over for the week.

I made it through to the next round!!  WOOHOOO!

Now I just have to get the rest of my projects done, take pictures, edit them, pack, get my house clean before I leave and then get to the airport on time (6:40 is a VERY early flight for people that don't usually get up until after Eme didn't wake up till 10:30!!)  Oh, and we might buy a car somewhere in the middle of all that.

So wish me luck on everything else that is/will cause stress... But at least the waiting is over!! :)  I'm excited to be continuing! :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Trashed Toddler Play Table to Beautiful Toddler Bed and Learning Center

Did ya guess this was mine?!  I love it so much!  I can hardly wait till Eme is old enough to use it as a bed. :)  But, it's already a great play table for him... he doesn't get that that the chalk is for drawing, not eating though!  We're working on that! haha!

This first week's challenge was so much fun!  I went straight to the DI and was SUPER lucky to find a majorly trashed toddler play table!  It sparked a very fun (and soon to be needed) project!  So, without further ado; I give you: The (Trashed) Toddler Play Table to Beautiful Toddler Bed By Night and Learning Center By Day!

To begin this make over, I spray painted the table and little stool a pretty light blue.  I also removed the (very ugly) rope drawer pulls and plugged the holes with wood filler.  After it had dried, I (ok my hubby) attached the pretty new drawer handles I had picked out.  (Thanks babe!)

To make this work as a bed, I had to make a mattress.  I did this by stuffing two body pillows into a mattress form that I made using thrifted sheets.  Velcro makes for easy removal and cleaning of the mattress form.  I also used thrifted sheets to make the bedding set and a thrifted pillow to make the "E" accent pillow. The star is corduroy that I had in my stash.

To make the learning center, I painted one side of the table top with chalkboard paint and glued a map of The United States on the other.  (I plan to homeschool, so I figure this will be a fun, easy way to get started with geography early.  Plus it makes for a nice "train" background, don't you think??) :) 

I love this new little bed/playtable!!  And I love that it saves a TON of space!!  The fact that the mattress can also be a soft base for playing isn't a bad thing either!  No cracked heads = a very good thing! The possibilities for play on this table are endless!  Legos? check.  Trains? Check.  Painting? why not?  Really, it's just the perfect space and size for my little monkey!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tute {Yourself} Tuesday # 10 FEATURES!!

I know my postings lately have been L.A.M.E.  I've been pretty consumed with my projects for One Month To Win It.  Especially since I am (unexpectedly) heading to Seattle next Tuesday morning (REALLY) early.  That means that I need to get all THREE of the rest of my projects done this week.  Say it with me: YIKES.  Plus I came down with a cold yesterday, so I have Z.E.R.O. energy and generally feel yucky.  It's awesome.  I actually started this post yesterday morning then ran out of energy.

I'm sorry I haven't had any tutorials for you of late.  Hopefully I'll be able to amend that soon.  Also, even though I had planned to pick testers and send the patterns out last week, it didn't happen and then the power surge happened and I can't even access them to send.  Boo.

Hopefully, I'll be getting my replacement cord/surge protector in the next day or two and it will fix the problem... if not... I'm not gonna think about that if not right now, mmK?

For now, please enjoy some awesome highlights from last week's party!

First up, from I'm a Mom Not a Professional, Rolo Cookies.  Umm.  YUM!  These look so good!  She also has a Peppermint Patty variation.  I can't wait to try these!!

Next, from Bugaboo, Mini Mr and Me, we have a very cool Glowing Globe Nightlight.  She even shows how to WIRE it.  WOW.  Plus it just looks REALLY cool. :)

Our Seven Dwarfs shared her super sweet Crocheted Baby Gift.  I love the colors she chose! Isn't the ripple pattern pretty?

Rhapsody of Cacophony linked up her Home Made Creme Eggs.  I love Creme Eggs don't you?!  She made her's the size of cupcakes!  I'll take one please!!

Fowl Single File shared her Sheep (Cake) and CUPCAKES!!  These are freaking AWESOME!  So, SO cute!!!

Apparently, I'm all about the sweets this week!  Three out of five are treats!  haha!

Thanks everyone for linking up!!

Stay tuned tomorrow for the reveal of which OMTWI project was mine!!! :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Tute {Yourself} Tuesday # 11

Hello all! Welcome to another week of Tute {Yourself} Tuesday!!

Have your guys checked out the entries over at One Month to Win It yet?  If not head over there, check out the awesome entries and VOTE!! :)  (But don't let your oohing and ahhing over the entries stop you from linking up!

So, let's get this party started!! :)

Time to VOTE!!! :)

Ok guys! It's votin' day!!!  Head on over to One Month To Win It and vote for your favorite!! :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Oh man... I'm so nervous!

I got my entry in for this week's One Month to Win It in.  Voting opens tomorrow.  I CAN'T TAKE THE SUSPENSE!!!  Lol.  Going a little crazy around here... maybe I'll go start on next week's project to stay occupied... or maybe I'll just watch Food Network.  maybe both.  Happy Sunday. :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Houston... We have a problem.

My laptop won't charge.  We're worried that the power outage last night fried my cord.  Not.  Happy.

On a much happier note though, The Idea Room is featuring my Li'l Bunny Tutorial and Pattern today. :)

Check it out here.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Features for Tute {Yourself} Tuesday # 9 and # 8

So, I'm obviously a little late with these.  Life happens and blogging sometimes gets put on the back burner.  I'm sure you all understand and have prolly been in the same boat.  Also, you might have noticed that I didn't get a tutorial up yesterday.  I'm pretty busy with my One Month To Win It project(s), so, no tute this week... and possibly not next week too.  We'll see.

Anyway.  Here are a few of my favorite links from the past two weeks.

Tute {Yourself} Tuesday # 9 Features:

Sew a Straight line linked up this super cute Harmonica Jacket!  It's her own pattern and she is sharing it!!  Head on over to get the free pattern!! :)

Food, Folks and Fun share a delicious sounding Healthier Orange Chicken recipe.  I will definitely be trying this in the next week or two.

Just Sew Sassy shared a Ruffled Zipper Pouch tutorial.  It's made with SCRAPS!!  I can never have enough ideas for using up scraps.  Can you??

Life's Better with Chocolate (isn't it??) shared the pretty bedroom art she made with Vintage Ceiling Tiles.  I love the look. :)

And, umm... Isn't her bedding just to die for?!

The Crafty CPA linked up her Party Light Garland Tutorial.  She has a printable for you so that you can recreate the light bulb.  Seriously a cute take on garland.

Tute {Yourself} Tuesday # 8 Features:

In the Loop made this hysterical Pirate Hat.  My husband has actually asked me to make him something similar.  I laughed when I saw her rendition. :)

Inside Brucrew Life shared her method for making super yummy and PRETTY Cake Filled Cookies.

Iron Violet Designs made this colorful Kid's Apron.  I just adore her fabric (woohoo for remnants!!)  :)

Falafel and the Bee shared her tutorial for a Messenger Bag in Miniature.  The best part about this tute is that you can make it a BIG messenger bag if you want.

And finally, Erika with a K linked her Antique Desk Makeover.  I {heart} that she chose to redo it in red.

Thanks everyone for linking up! :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

I just had the best night. (And Tute {Yourself} Tuesday #10)

Tonight was unexpectedly awesome.  It started as a simple suggestion (by me) that we use the gift card to The Pizza Factory that my husband had received from his work as a Christmas gift as an alternative to making dinner.  He was game; and we invited his sister and her son (that is 2 months younger then Eme) to join us.  We had a ball.  Yummy food, two hilarious toddlers, and I didn't have to make dinner?!!  Woohoo!  (Not that I don't love to cook, but it's nice to not have to do the dishes.)

After we ate we took the boys into Fat Cats (which is a "fun center/arcade" type place- they even have bowling and bumper cars) to look at the lights, but then decided to let them ride the little merry-go-round.  Oh. My. Gosh.  When my SIL got my nephew out of his carseat he started yelling "OOOH!  WOW! OOH!  WOW!"  Over and over.  It was hysterical.  We were dying laughing. 

Then because we also had a gift card to Fat Cats we decided to stay a little longer and play a few games with the kids... Ok, and I might have played a game of DDR. (Dance Dance Revolution for those of you scratching your heads as to what DDR is.)  ;)  Yeah, I know.  Total teenager game; but have you tried it?!  So. Much. Fun.  I'm fairly decent at it (but my hubby STILL beats me every time.  Don't tell him I told you.  haha!) but tonight the game KICKED my trash.  Know why?  Oh, prolly because I haven't done a real cardio work out since BEFORE I was pregnant with Eme.  (For those of you counting, that's almost 2 years now.)  Oops.  I should get on that.  Time to break out my old Playstation and start DDRing it up everyday again.  (What?  Yes I have DDR at my house.  You know you want one too.) 

For those of you that want a good work out, but don't like to work out, try DDR.  I PROMISE that you will get a REALLY good cardio work out, but it won't feel like working out, so you'll do it longer and harder then you normally would.  Anyway... moving away from my passionate tangent about DDR, we really had a good time tonight. :)

BUT!  It wasn't over for me.  We went home and got Eme in bed and then I got a text from a good friend wanting to go get cupcakes.  Cupcakes you say?!  um... yes, please.  So said friend picks me (and another friend) up and we head on our merry way, but not to get cupcakes... The cupcake place was already closed, so we got yummy hot chocolate instead and had a LOVELY talk.

It was a totally unexpected, FUN evening that was SO very needed.  I'm tired and my lungs are full of junk (from the 5 minutes of cardio DDR that I did. Asthma.  Blech.) but, I am feeling so much better then I have in several weeks. 

I posted last week that I was really feeling the winter blahs and was in serious need of a pick me up.  Well, tonight was exactly what I needed. 

I'm sorry posts have been a little slow these last few weeks.  And I STILL need to pick out testers. (Tomorrow, I promise.)  Thank you for your kind and encouraging words (and for not abandoning me as a lost cause.)  Sorry that this post has been a bit of a ramble, but, it is nice to be feeling a lot more like myself. :)

Now that I've talked your ears off, would you be so kind as to share a project/story/recipe/whatever that you've been working on?  I can't wait to see it! :)

Well guys, I'm kind of back in sewing business...

This is the machine I'm using:

And yes.  It's as old as it looks.  I don't know the exact year it was made, but I think I can safely say it's at least 50 years old.

Wish me luck.  I'm fairly certain I'll be needing it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Is anyone else feeling the "winter doldrums?"

Cause I am.  :/ 

Anyone know of a good pick me up?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How to Use Actions in Photoshop

HOORAY!  I was finally able to add pictures again.  I'm really not sure what the problem was.  Thanks for all your suggestions.  I would have loved to try uploading from Picasa, but, it wasn't even giving that option.  The uploader just wasn't working.  It kept telling me that there was an error and to try again later.  :P  Annoying.  But, blogger must have fixed the problem, so, we'll just move on now.

Remember a few weeks ago when I mentioned that I had discovered the wonders of Actions?  And how I said that I'd be talking more about my discovery later? 

Well, it's later! :)

I've been using Photoshop for a few years now, and while not a master, can use it fairly effectively.  But.  Editing takes a lot of time.  Tweaking each picture individually for a blog post can take hours (and hours.)  It can be such a time suck at times that I just want to post my post with my pictures straight out of the camera (SOOTC). 

But I can't do that to you guys!  Part of what makes a good post is GREAT pictures.  So, what's a girl that wants to have nicely edited pictures, but with out a ton of time to do?

She uses actions!! 

Perhaps you, like me have heard of actions before, but don't know how to use them and figure it must be hard and not really worth the time.  Oh, MAN was I wrong on that one.

Actions make everything faster.  SO. MUCH. FASTER.  So, I'm going to show you how easy it is to take this picture:

(Which is a great picture to start with.)

And turn it into this picture:

In three easy steps.  That's right.   THREE. 
(Isn't my seester pretty?  And I must say, I have a rather adorable nephew.  I know, I'm lucky.)

Anyway.  The difference between the two pictures isn't crazy nuts, but the second picture is definitely clearer and brighter then the first.  In blogland that equals better tutorials and more dramatic posts.  Which you want.  So, if you have Photoshop and haven't explored the fantastic-ness of actions, you really must.

First, you obviously are going to need an action (or 50) to work with.  The Pioneer Woman has some AWESOME ones for FREEEE!  Go there now and download them; I'll wait.  You will thank me.  When you download them, choose to open them instead of saving them.  This will automatically put them in the actions area of photoshop.  Once you have done this you are ready to start "playing".  (Haha!  Pun intended.)  You can also do a search for "free actions" and a bunch will show up.  There are tons of actions for purchase as well.  Check Etsy or search google.

Ok.  You've downloaded them?  Great, let's get started.

You need to make sure that your actions tool is open.  To do that click on "window" then make sure there is a check mark next to "Actions"; if there is not, click on it.

Once you've done that a box called "actions" will pop up.  If you have downloaded and opened the actions from Pioneer Woman, you will have the actions that I am using in this tute.  Scroll through them until you find the action called "Define and Sharpen" and click on it once. 

Then find the "play" button.  It's the arrow button that looks like a play button. ;)  Click "play".

Here is the "Define and Sharpen" button in use.  It's subtle, but the colors are slightly more vibrant and defined.  Everything just looks a little clearer/cleaner.

Now find the action called "Slight Lighten" click on it, then click the "play" button again.

Here it is in "action".  (haha!  I'm having a good time with puns today.)  The picture is definitely brighter.  Not enough to wash them out, just enough to make it easier to see them.  If your picture is still too dark you can play this action again or (adjust it manually.)

 Ok guys, last step!  Find the "Boost" action, select it then play it over the picture.

Here is change picture for this action:

I LOVE the boost action!  It high lights their faces a bit, brightens up the colors, lightens the whole picture up just a bit and just all in all make a picture better.

Here are the before and after pictures side by side:

When the pics are side by side you can really see the difference between the two.  The after pic just pops!

See how easy that was?!  If you have photoshop, go get busy!  If you don't, there are options available to you online.  Try or Picasa. 

Having GREAT pictures really makes your blog so much more enjoyable to read, so, give picture editing a try today!  Good luck and HAVE FUN!!!  Email me if you have any questions!! :)

I'll be linking to the lovely linkys on my side bar.

Is any one else having issues uploading pictures???

Cause I really am.

Blogger's server keeps "rejecting" my images.


I'll post my tute and features post as soon as I can get the images to load.

Cross your fingers that it's soon!

Friday, February 18, 2011


You guys, I MADE IT!!!!  I'm a season one contestant on One Month to Win It!!! 

One Month To Win It

WHOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!  Here's hoping I don't choke right?!  lol!  Wish me luck!!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dino-ROAR Gift Set

I got an invite another baby shower TWO days ago and the shower was tonight!  AHHH!!  Talk about creating in a rush!  haha.

This friend is having a little boy, so I decided a dino hat was the way to go.

Then I wanted some booties to match and had these colors on hand and they matched perfectly!  Woohoo!!

I made these Little Lad Loafers (as I'm calling them)!  I love the alliteration. :)

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to make a little outfit; nor do I have a working sewing machine, so no outfit this time. :'(

At least the loafers are super fun right?!  

I'll be linking to the parties on the right. :)

Ready For TESTERS!!!!

Ok guys!  I've had quite a few of you excited about pattern testing for me and I'm FINALLY ready.  It took me a little longer then I thought it would, but I'm ready.

Here's the good news for you:  I have TWO patterns for you to test! 

The Li'l Miss Mary Jane Pattern:


Introducing the Little Lad Loafers!  (Hooray for alliterations!)

So, who wants to test?!

In your comment please let me know which pattern you'd like try and how much experience you have crocheting.

I need two testers for each.

Ready, set, GO!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Features from Tute {Yourself} Tuesday #7!

Guys, this is my favorite blog day of the week!  I so love seeing all your great projects!  Here are a few of my faves!!

These Little Nilla Girls are SO. Stinkin'. CUTE!!  Amy from Flexible Dreams is so incredibly creative!  Don't you think?!

See what I mean??  SO. CRAZY. CUTE!!!!

Mandy from Sugar Bee - Craft Edition made these little turtles!  I wish I had been on the list she lost so that I could be eligible to win one, but o-well.  Where'd you get your pattern Mandy?!  I'd love to make one... or ten!

Frugal Christian Living linked up her Top Secret Butter Sugar Cookies.  I plan to try this recipe out this week.

Yummy right?!

I about died when I saw these sequined heart earrings from Fave Crafts: Blog.  I love them.  Luckily, she posted a tutorial so I can copy cat her.  Which I'm totally doing by the way.

Malia over at Yesterday on Tuesday posted this awesome chalkboard painted globe!  It's so much fun!  She made it as a gift for her hubby for Valentine's Day.  I'm sure he loved it!

I know I would have!  :)

Thanks everyone for linking up last week!!  This week's linky will be up til tomorrow evening as usual! :)